What is the Difference Between a Hotel and a Motel?

3 min readMar 29, 2021


difference between a hotel and a motel

What is the difference between a hotel and a motel? We are going to go over the various types of accommodations that exist today, as well as some of the basic differences between them. We will look at the cost and other aspects such as whether they provide for special needs or not. In addition we will look at some historical comparisons where they have been compared and what types of accommodations have risen in prominence since.

Before we really get into the comparisons that are being made here, we need to define each category of these terms. A motel is a privately owned establishment that provides for lodging and other related services within its premises. They are typically referred to as bed and breakfasts. A hotel, on the other hand, is a licensed establishment that provides for lodging purposes as well as providing for the delivery of goods within its premise. They are referred to as hotel rooms and motels.

What we find the difference between a hotel and a motel when comparing the two is the very basic provision for meeting the personal needs of the individuals staying. Both provide for rooms, they are both known for having kitchen facilities and in many cases both provide for maid services. There may be other differences that are not so apparent however. For example, while a hotel may not offer any form of transportation to the different lodging areas, a motel often will.

Hotels also provide for certain additional services such as air conditioning, televisions, and full-scale restaurants. Motels do not offer these types of additional services, but they do tend to provide more personal care by offering maid services, housekeeping services, and other such personal services. They also tend to provide their guests with some form of transportation. If you are traveling from one part of the city to another then it is important to make sure that you can get to your destination on time. Most motels provide this service.

There may be other differences that are not so obvious. For example, many people wonder whether or not a hotel is better than a motel. The answer is that it really depends on the individual person. One person may prefer a hotel because it offers more personal services. Whereas, another person may prefer to stay at a motel simply because they are unfamiliar with them.

Another example of the ways in which a hotel and a motel differ is with regards to location. As previously mentioned, some people prefer to stay in known areas where they know they will find quality lodging. Others prefer to stay in places where they do not know anything at all about. This is why it often helps to know exactly where you want to go before deciding which type of hotel or motel to stay at. This will ensure you get the hotel or motel that best fits your needs.




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